Monday, December 14, 2015

Did you know your considered obese if you are 30lbs overweight?

Some may take this post personal and that is not my intension so please don't be offended.  The facts are, if you are 30lbs overweight, you are obese!
According to polls around the country, the United States is one of the LARGEST when it comes to people being obese.

Uncle Sam

The numbers do not lie and by the year 2020 the numbers will double.


I remember being in grade school and learning the food pyramid but it seems as decades go by, we are rushed and occupied by other things rather than taking care of ourselves.


Fast food is just that......FAST
But 90% of the  foods we order  will pack on the pounds rather than choose the one salad these places offer.

There are so many healthy risks of being overweight

I know myself, I was 40lbs overweight and no way did I want to consider myself obese!

I have been with Plexus Slim for over a year and actually JOINED for their Fast Relief products due to severe RLS.

I KNEW I needed to lose this extra weight and had to make up my mind that it was time!  I had the tools since I was already an Ambassador with Plexus Slim

I am

In the past 10 weeks, I have lost 20lbs!!!!  With 20 more to go and I am on a mission to reach my goal!

probio    plexus

If you are looking to get your products wholesale, you can visit me on Facebook and watch the videos in the first post.

I am just one person and many want to see and hear more success stories so scroll below but you can also watch

test 3
test 5
test 2
test 1

If you would like to help others achieve their weightloss goals and improve their lifestyles, you can JOIN for $35 which includes your back office and website for a full year!

join 2



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