It's all around us.......
OPPORTUNITIES including Plexus Slim!
If you
start to pay attention, people will give you more "reasons" why they can
not doing something rather than just try and DO IT!
As a recruiter, I use to get people that were in there 40's -50's they were too old to get the job they were seeking.
Trying to break someone's thought process is not an easy task until you "SHOW" them it can be done!
I had to
almost sit and brainwash my candidates to throw the negative thoughts
out the window because while they may have thought they were older,
their life experiences holds value!
As I listen to people's excuses, I think to myself:
"Is this fear"
"Is this laziness"
"Is this negativity that controls their lives"
I have always been a DOER my whole life and I have to admit I have a little OCD as well.
I cannot
leave the house or sleep if their are dishes in the sink, laundry that
needs to be washed, bills that need to be paid.....etc~
My theory is.......
So many let FEAR stand in the way of new opportunities!!!!
I have
been wanting to go skydiving for the past few years but everyone I ask
is afraid to go. I finally got a cousin to agree but he started with
the "would if's"
Would if the parachute doesn't open?
Would if the plane crashes?
Would if, would if, would if......
My answer is "What happened to fate?"
Do we not believe there is a reason for everything and whether you are jumping from a plane or starting a new business

Have faith in your ideas, your dreams, your goals and everything in between~
So the last questions is......
Are you simply making excuses because your procrastinating?

If you are procrastinating, you need to train yourself to STOP!
You will never get ahead putting off tomorrow what you can do today~
reading a few books on the subject will help and do not procrastinate, "I
will buy the book later!" "I will read the book tomorrow!"
Just make up your mind that you want to change and DO IT!
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