That's the million dollar questions this morning.....
Have you ever noticed, there are some people who just do not like change?
And whether we like it or not, change is going to happen.
Things cannot stay the same no matter how we try.
How do we expect success or results, if we are not willing to change and move forward.
You can dream all you want but you need to take action to make your dreams happen.
We get stuck in this comfort zone and while it is nice and cozy, nothing good is going to come with just "being".
We need to take action and adjust!!!

If you are not willing to change, take risks and face your fears, how do you expect your dreams to happen?
Sure once
in a Blue Moon someone might win the lottery and while that is great,
dreams and goals are the WOW factor that you achieved something good in
good in your life.
When you are willing to change as you grow, you will notice that people will say "Wow, you have changed!"
That's because you were suppose to change!!!
Many times others do not want to see us succeed........
Why is that?
Because they are not ready to move their cheese!
There cheese is the same ole yellow cheese perhaps with some mold growing on the edges but they feel.....
"Hey, if I cut off the mold, I still have the same cheese!"
Why would you want old molding cheese when you can change it up and try other varieties.
Staying the same gets boring so map out why you should move your cheese.

And if you have no idea what I am talking about, then invest in the
#1 Best Seller
Click on the book cover to review and purchase
Change is
not going to happen while you sit and watch the years go by. Your
wasting time by not taking action towards your dreams and goal.
Get to it!
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