Friday, December 4, 2015

Losing weight after 40 is easy....said NO ONE EVER!


Let's face it, as we start to get older, it gets harder and harder to lose the extra pounds and it seems so much easier to gain the pounds even though you are watching what you eat.

Our bodies start to change in our late 30's and from there on, we need to come up with a plan to increase our activity and lower our daily calories without starving ourselves.
There is a way to get back on track.......

3 Simple Steps to Eat LOTS of Carbs
and NEVER Store Them as Fat...

14 day diet
Many times just getting back on track is harder than we expect and that is why I added Plexus Slim to my every day meal planning.  It helps curb my sweet and junk food cravings which helps me make healthier food choices.


Many time it is harder for women to lose weight at any age and exercise is a must to achieve the body we desire
The Beta Switch is helping women lose stubborn belly fat

or click on the image below

Beta Switch

The last thing that both men and women BUT mostly women get is cellulite.

So exactly what is cellulite:  persistent subcutaneous fat causing dimpling of the skin, especially on women's hips and thighs.

Learn some weird tips on how to rid yourself of cellulite HERE
or click on the image below


However you decide to achieve your weight loss and body image goals, remember, it is not going to easy.....BUT IT IS POSSIBLE!


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